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Join date: Jun 2, 2022


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Add or update multiple drawing objects with just a few clicks.Project drag and drop:Drag and drop project data to view or edit designs. Create and reuse project templates using the Project Template Manager.Expanded Libraries:More than 1,000 3D objects in the ACADOBJ library.More than 1,000 other 3D objects in the SHAPE and SOLID libraries.Expanded DWG import options.Access and edit DWG files directly from the command line.DWG Editor for Windows:Easily create, edit, and modify 3D DWG files.New 3D shapes and 3D drawing tools.3D Drafting and BIM:Revised grid and orientation symbols.Reverse, mirror, and invert.View objects from any orientation and rotation.Change the scale of an object by changing the grid.Click, drag, and rotate in 3D.Generate and edit orthographic views.New tools for design reviews and annotations.Building or referencing a 3D model:Support creating two-dimensional shapes from three-dimensional models.Work with and edit Revit files directly.Easily reference or annotate buildings, spaces, and other three-dimensional models.You can also display, modify, and apply symbology to model objects.New 2D Tools:Check for design rules, reference data, and more.Compare and merge reference data.Rotate, scale, and skew.Perform left-click and right-click.Mark and annotate with elements or symbols.Insert and delete annotations.Orthographic views, grids, and annotations.Import and export symbols.Rasterize and black and white-encode images.You can also manage symbols that you create or modify using the command line.Process maps:Import and apply styles to views.Modify process maps using the quick guides.Color and symbolize maps, tables, and charts.Create and modify layouts.Change chart, graph, and data views on the fly.New Charting Tools:Create a set of standard views and chart types.Modify chart templates. 2be273e24d


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